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Brown v. Board of Education transformed American society by outlawing racial segregation. Now that American schools are integrated, the Brown v. Board of Education decision seems immutable. However, the decision potentially represents an overstepping of the Judicial Branch's power. While most people would agree that the decision of Brown v. Board of Education was absolutely mandatory, others would note that from a purely rational standpoint, the Supreme Court overstepped its role as an interpretive body. In its reasoning, the Court relies on the research conclusion of psychologists as one of the bases of its decision. Although psychology may be considered to be a "soft" science, it is The plaintiffs were disabled Tennesseans who could not access the upper floors in state courthouses. They sued in Federal Court, arguing that since Tennessee was disallowing them public services for the reason that their disabilities, it was infringing Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act ADA. Tennessee argued that the Eleventh Amendment banned the suit, and filed a motion to dismiss the case.
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We highly recommend brushless motors to all our customers. For the most part, every product we sell is water and weatherproof. But this does not mean they're water tight!If you submerge any of these products in water, it will seep into the openings and likely cause damage. These products are fine in light rain or damp riding conditions. But during heavy down pours or deep paddling, we recommend pulling over and waiting for the weather to subside. If you plan on riding in the rain on a regular basis, we recommend taking some extra steps to further waterproof your electric bicycle.
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You can stay on your parents' plan, take advantage of the COBRA healthcare program, or you can pay for short term or long term coverage yourself. Being young and healthy, you may feel that cheap student health insurance is unnecessary, but you couldn't be more wrong. Why You Should Invest In Health InsuranceThe bottom line is all about health and money. It may be easy to dismiss the possibility of requiring medical services, but accidents and illnesses do happen. A trip to the emergency room averages $3,300. As a college student with limited resources, this could be financially devastating, especially if your injury keeps you from working for any period of time. Cheap health insurance can save you more than you think. Studies have shown that those without a medical plan are 40% more likely to be hospitalized for avoidable conditions than are those who have invested in cheap medical insurance. The reason is simple. If you have a medical insurance and see a doctor regularly, conditions are diagnosed in early stages and are easier to treat. Delaying treatment of even the most trivial injuries or illnesses can be a fatal decision.
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Lekeshmanaswamy, Ph. D. Dr. K. Dhanalakshmi, Ph. D. , EhlersZavala, F. , Daniel, M. C. , and SunIrminger, X. 2006.