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Most teachers are good, but if you assume all are good, you give carte blanche to all to feel it's OK to take a day off when not necessary, which hurts kids with subs, or protect bad teachers, which hurts kids in obvious ways. We should fight I would not argue there shouldnt be teachers unions, but I would ask that teachers unions acknowledge that bad teachers exist and they do hurt children. Most teachers are good, but if you assume all are good, you give carte blanche to all to feel its OK to take a day off when not necessary, which hurts kids with subs, or protect bad teachers, which hurts kids in obvious ways. We should fight for more money going to schools, more tutoring, and more of a priority being placed on all children studying hard and striving. We need to close the achievement gap and give all kids a chance and unions should fight for that. But it does make me sad when teachers unions pretend there are no bad teachers.
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Two thousand workers volunteerwithdrawals come in rapidly. 29 A month later, the paper reported that the people of Tacoma also rallied together in support of the fight against Initiative 49. 30 These are just a few of the main indicators of widespread opposition to the bill before it was voted on in November. The only real backer of Initiative 49 in Washington was the Ku Klux Klan. The Klan argued that public schools and public education were the nurseries of democracy, and children in private schools were learning to place loyalty to foreign institutions above loyalty to the United States. Further, they argued that parochial school instruction was harmful to children, and that the schools have failed to keep step with the progress of society in Spain, France, Italy, South America, Mexico, and in the United States. Where they rule, the percentage of illiteracy and ignorance is on the increase. 31The Washington Klan also argued that the Oregon bill that was ruled unconstitutional and Initiative 49 were completely different. The Klan contested that Oregons decision was rendered by the lowest Federal court in that State, and that, no court save the United States Supreme Court can finally construe the Federal Constitution. 32 They also argued that the wording of the two bills was completely different, and that the main problem with the Oregon bill was not the thrust of its legislation, but the particulars of its wording. 33The Ku Klux Klan faced a lot of hardships throughout their campaign of Initiative 49 in Washington.
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Therefore, we take care to teach you all the important vocabulary and phrases pertaining to family. Well, if youre serious about studying any new language, then learning about the most important social unit in Turkish culture would be a crucial part of your education. What is family, though?Strictly speaking, its a group of people who live together and are supposed to take care of one another. Some of them are genetically linked. Family isnt just about who were related to by blood, of course. Its also one of the main influences in shaping every childs life. Family is the single most important influence in a childs life. Children depend on parents and family to protect them and provide for their needs from the day they were born. Primary caregivers, which usually comprise parents and family, form a childs first relationships. They are a childs first teachers and are role models that show kids how to act and experience the world around them. By nurturing and teaching children during their early years, families play an important role in making sure children are ready to learn when they enter school.