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Others were religious centers, where people congregated to consult priests and oracles seers or to visit places that were supposed to have magical qualities. Religious centers also stimulated long distance pilgrimages and trade. It is sometimes impossible to tell whether an ancient site developed because of either spiritual or commercial reasons, or whether both were equally important. Modern ideas about past civilizations are biased by the evidence available. The bias is due, in part, to preferences for studying European and Mediterranean sites including biblical sites rather than sites in other regions. Additionally, much evidence has been lost to time. Stone ruins can stand for millennia, but wooden structures burn or rot, and many have not been discovered until relatively recently. An example is Cahokia, a thriving Mississippi Valley trading center that had as many as 20,000 people by ad 1050. Massive, grass covered mounds still stand on the site, in what is now the state of Illinois, but only traces of wooden buildings have been uncovered. It is impossible to know exactly how many people lived in the city of Rome at the height of its influence, but estimates vary between 250,000 and 1. 6 million.

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2 optimally compressed exabytes, Hilbert and his colleagues found. In 2007, the number was 65. This capacity includes phone networks and voice calls as well as access to the enormous information reservoir that is the Internet. However, data traffic over mobile networks was already outpacing voice traffic in 2007, the researchers found. If all of these bits and bytes feel a little abstract, don't worry: In 2015, researchers tried to put the Internet's size in physical terms. The researchers estimated that it would take 2 percent of the Amazon rainforest to make the paper to print out the entire Web including the Dark Web, they reported in the Journal of Interdisciplinary Science Topics. For that study, they made some big assumptions about the amount of text online by estimating that an average Web page would require 30 pages of A4 paper 8. 27 by 11. 69 inches. With this assumption, the text on the Internet would require 1. A Washington Post reporter later aimed for a better estimate and determined that the average length of a Web page was closer to 6.

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C'est la raison pour laquelle certains chercheurs ont voqu lide que les habitants de l'Ocanie loigne ne seraient pas passs ou alors sans y tre rests longtemps par ce qu'on appelle traditionnellement la Mlansie, mais auraient migr plus au nord, par les Philippines et la Micronsie. Les donnes actuelles, en particulier gntiques, suggrent cependant un long passage des Polynsiens par les les de la Mlansie. Au cours de leur avance vers le sud et l'est, les Austronsiens de la culture Lapita n'ont pas amen que leurs poteries. Ils ont galement amen de nombreuses plantes et animaux. C'taient assurment de talentueux horticulteurs. Ils ont ainsi commenc enrichir les pauvres les du sud ouest du Pacifique, grce aux vgtaux transports pendant des gnrations depuis l'Asie du Sud Est et la Nouvelle Guine : ignames, araces diverses, arbre pain, canne sucre. D'un point de vue linguistique, la Micronsie ne forme pas un ensemble cohrent, et il n'existe pas de groupe linguistique Micronsiens d'un point de vue scientifique. Certaines langues qui y sont parles ne sont mme pas des langues ocaniennes, le sous groupe des langues austronsiennes qui semble issu de la culture Lapita, et qui partant de la Mlansie a peupl la Polynsie. Certaines des langues de Micronsie, comme le chamorro ou le paluan, sont en effet plutt apparentes aux langues austronsiennes des Philippines. La partie la plus occidentale de la Micronsie semble donc avoir des populations qui sont au moins en partie originaire de cette rgion, puis qui sont restes en contact plus ou moins rgulier avec les populations des Philippines ou des environs.

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html accessed on March 11, 2011. 9. 16!702020mg100ICIED2ICIED22016 01 16 Medical News Today 40 70OTC19992007. 2015 02 05 PE. 2014 06 14 . 2013 06 15 108 . 2013 01 20 gizmag University of Bonn. 2012 10 14 112. 5mg32. 4%5mg46. 4%Journal of Sexual Medicine104Votubia .

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