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Il sera ainsi plus facile de trouver son chauffeur mais galement de se faire localiserUberEats a lanc une nouvelle mise jour de son application. De nouvelles fonctionnalits ont t introduites et les utilisateurs ont dsormais la possibilit dvaluer les restaurants, mais galement les plats quils ont commandsLe service de covoiturage amricain ne pourra bientt plus exercer son activit Londres. Uber ne verra pas sa licence dexploitation tre renouvele le 30 septembre prochainUber vient dannoncer quil renonait golocaliser ses clients une fois leur course termine. Le service de covoiturage avait en effet pour habitude de localiser ses clients mme lorsque la course tait termine, et ce pendant cinq minutes. On a Monday morning in early February, Neil Weiss sat at his kitchen table in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, nursing a cup of coffee while checking messages on his iPad. Weiss the 51 year old owner and editor of Black Car News, a trade publication serving drivers of New Yorks 84,000 for hire black cars wasnt sure what that meant. The sender was Doug Schifter, 61, who had driven taxis and black cars in New York City for over four decades. Starting in 2014, he had also written a column called The Drivers Seat for Weiss. Over the course of more than 45,000 words, Schifter had gone from griping about traffic tickets and pedestrians running amok to thundering about the impending collapse of the industry, which would cause massive pain and problems for hundreds of thousands of people. He lambasted politicians for letting Uber and other app based services flood the market with new drivers, ratcheting up competition and depressing wages. And he begged his fellow workers to band together to demand dignity and a fair days pay.

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